On 4 Aug 2006 at 8:48, Nick Arnett wrote:

> Now that you have read this, surely you cannot still believe that the
> administration's arguments for the were supported by the intelligence.  How
> do we deal with this?  An easy answer would be to blame conservatives and
> run to the left.  But blame has never healed any wounds. I think that
> somehow we have to acknowledge what really happened, take responsibility for
> it as a nation (rather than blaming one political faction), talk about it,
> memorialize it and seek to identify whatever good might come out of it.  I
> don't think that our military power can redeem the error, but I do believe
> the error can be redeemed.

That Iraq is considered a "error to be redeemed" says a lot...that 
essentially there was no value in overthrowing a tyrant who had 
previous US support, that the loss of life before the invasion was 
not significant and so on.

It was not an "error" to overthrow Saddam. Sure, your government lied 
to you about the reasons, and by all means call them to account for 
it, but overthrowing that sort of unstably dangerous tyrant isn't a 

Dawn Falcon


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