On 3 Sep 2006, at 3:07PM, Andrew Crystall wrote:

On 3 Sep 2006 at 8:31, William T Goodall wrote:

Perhaps if you read the origional again? I gave plenty of evidence,
which starts with the fact that they operate as whatever sort of
organisation better suits the area. They not a religion, they are a
form of organised crime (especially in America).

You are assuming that being a form of organised crime precludes it
being a religion?

Right, so now you introduce another form of relationship which you
can use to bash religion into your email and to try and distract from
the real point. You are assuming that scientology is a religion,

It is a religion, still. I'm pointing out the error in your argument not introducing a new one.

But many religions are organised and dupe people
into giving them money by telling outrageous lies. What's that if it
isn't organised crime?

The people at the heads of a religion, BELIEVE. The heads of
scientology use it as a tool to milk cash from the lower echelons.

"Let´s sell these people a piece of blue sky."
- L. Ron Hubbard to an associate in 1950, soon after the opening of
the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation.  (Jon Atack, A PIECE OF
EXPOSED, Lyle Stuart/Carol Publishing Group. 1990)

- L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 9
March 1972, MS OEC 384

I doubt that the heads of most religions believe. These are intelligent college educated people after all. Belief is what they use to gull money and power from the ignorant and superstitious people that they prey on.

Hint: the links between the Catholic Church
and the Mafia aren't an accident.

The vast majority of upper echelons of the Catholic Church are
believers. Also, there are far stronger Mafia links in every Italian
government. Where is your rant against them? Oh, right, you're a
selective biggot.

So you approve of and support the Mafia as well as religion?

 And the Catholic Church is the
largest pedophile ring in the world. That's pretty criminal and
they've been covering that up for centuries.

The stats really don't support that. It's more propaganda.

There's a bigger one? Where?

As for 'what suits the area' - Christian evangelists have a long
history of representing themselves as language teachers or family
planning advisors in countries where evangelism isn't welcome so I
suppose that means Christianity isn't a religion by your broken

Try going back and reading what I typed again. For reference, no,
that's YOUR broken definition which you are applying to something
entire other than what I actually typed.

You're reading more into what I type than what is there. I don't mean
a single thing more.

Or perhaps you don't mean a single thing?

This is deliberate - it avoids assumptions (it
is designed, and was taught to me, for dealing with people from other
cultures). You write in a way which is nothing but a structure of
assumptions leaping off the others words.

I write in a way which uses evidence and logic. You use neither of these. And you can't spell either.

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"if the bible proves the existence of god, then superman comics prove the existence of superman" - Usenet


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