On 9/3/06, William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3 Sep 2006, at 10:53PM, William T Goodall wrote:

> It seems pretty obvious to me, but it's not a subject I find
> important enough to put any extra effort into. If you want to prove
> me wrong go ahead and knock yourself out. Otherwise we'll just have
> to differ on the matter.

Just to clarify that: since they are quite obviously an active and
dangerous pedophile organisation *now* the only part  you could
disprove is that they were in the past also. Since it's a clear
pattern of ongoing behaviour that's documented for the past half
century or so as victims have begun to come forward you'd have to
come up with some reason that pattern *shouldn't* be expected to
continue further back into the past.

Given the Church's ongoing efforts to cover up the issue any lack of
published scandal prior to the well-known present day cases can't
show that molestation wasn't going on then too.

I really don't see how you could disprove it actually, but good luck.

I belong to a church that teaches a very strict Law of Chastity.  And after
my divorce when I was 23 years of age, I was celibate for 8 years while I
tried desperately to find the wife that I have now been married to for 28
years.  Anyone who has tried to live a perfectly chaste life after having
once been sexually active, especially a young male as I was and as most
priests are when they start out in their vocation, can tell you that such
celibacy is extremely difficult to achieve and even more difficult to
maintain.  It is preposterous to suppose that the legions of Catholic
priests are able to accomplish this.  By enforcing a strict rule that
Catholic priests must be celibate, the Catholic church virtually ensures
that sexual hypocrisy will be the rule of the day among priests.  I am dead
certain that a great many of them are either misbehaving with young boys,
other priests, nuns, or the wives of parishioners.  Celibacy is simply too
difficult to accomplish successfully for it to be effectively practiced on
such a wide scale as many suppose.

John W.
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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