More to the point, pointing out spelling mistakes and bad grammer is an 
indication you have nothing better to say...

Damon, posting from his Blackberry, where I can ONLY top post...

Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
Now Building: Trumpeter's Marder I auf GW 38(h)
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.  

-----Original Message-----
From: "Andrew Crystall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2006 00:58:01 
To:Killer Bs Discussion <>
Subject: Re: Religious freedom

On 3 Sep 2006 at 23:00, William T Goodall wrote:

> On 3 Sep 2006, at 10:45PM, Andrew Crystall wrote:
> >
> > And no, I can't spell. I'm dyslexic. Your point?
> >
> It's harder to read your incoherent babbling when it's full of  
> spelling mistakes.

That's nice. I allready know you can't be bothered to read what I write,
you're more interested in your self-centered crusade against anything
which you don't like under the name of religion.

Another excuse in a long line of excuses.

> Good spelling is polite Maru

Not criticising people for disabilities is polite, as well. But given 
the propaganda you spew, I can't expect politeness from you.


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