On 4 Sep 2006 at 1:22, William T Goodall wrote:

> On 4 Sep 2006, at 12:58AM, Andrew Crystall wrote:
> > On 3 Sep 2006 at 23:00, William T Goodall wrote:
> >
> >> Good spelling is polite Maru
> >
> > Not criticising people for disabilities is polite, as well. But given
> > the propaganda you spew, I can't expect politeness from you.
> >
> I'm being far politer to you than all the careless educators who  
> couldn't be bothered to teach you the basics of thinking and writing  
> because you had a handicap.

Your basic lack of knowledge about dyslexia is glaring. It is not 
something which can be "overcome" by an educator. It is a literal 
perceptile gap on the part of the dyslexic person.

That you also link it to thinking is a another normal cheap shot you 
take, you simply cannot pass up an opportunity to be petty and 


Dawn Falcon


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