On 4 Sep 2006 at 18:43, Richard Baker wrote:

> Andrew said:
> > Here's a hint: A base price of £1000 is more than I spend on an
> > entire PC which is considerably more powerful than the one you
> > linked.
> This seems somewhat unlikely when 2.66GHz Xeon 5150 processors cost
> around £470 each and the base Mac Pro configuration has two of them,
> as well as a relatively high-end graphics card.

The entire system price for the low-end MacPro is £1700. It comes
with a Nvidia 7300 GT.


The 7300 GT scores 289. The card I would look at, the X9100XT, scores
1657, and is avaliable for well under £200. Draw your own

(Incidentally, the CPU's you are reference are only £320 each inc VAT
from Insight).

Regardless, I do find it a little amusing that the Intel Mac's show
such a radical degree of power increase over their PowerPC
predecessors when said Intel was put down for years by Mac advocates.

Dawn Falcon


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