On Sep 10, 2006, at 5:37 PM, Andrew Crystall wrote:

On 10 Sep 2006 at 10:45, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

On Sep 9, 2006, at 5:10 AM, Andrew Crystall wrote:

On 8 Sep 2006 at 7:37, Nick Arnett wrote:

researchers will  inevitably say that the body count
has crossed 100,000.

No, not really - it's disputed.

Cite, please.


Yes, it's based off a *2004* survey.

Some of it seems to be -- the Wiki piece has claims that could easily pass 100K already. The info at http://iraqbodycount.org/ seems to be about half that. But that's current numbers, and I think Nick was projecting through to the end of the "war".

    All of this madness to stop a madman, Saddam  Hussein.

Who was killing arround 175 of his subjects a day a rate which
excluding the war itself has been slashed by over two thirds. (And by
over half, including the war).

Cite, please.


I do have better figures but they're offline..I'll see if I can get
permission to scan them.

I'm not sure which figures from that site you're using to make the claim that Hussein "was killing arround 175 of his subjects a day". I think adding the half-million claimed dead due to trade sanctions wouldn't fly with some; after all, he didn't levy the sanctions on his own nation.

The guy definitely had his problems, but he was not the reason the WTC was attacked; his nation had nothing to do with it; and all the hand-waving in the world won't change that fact.

Warren Ockrassa
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