In a message dated 9/18/2006 11:06:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Assuming  that a large number of people can't be wrong about something
> because  they are smart and well-connected is a tautology. I think
> there are  many examples of large numbers of smart, well-connected
> people who  turned a blind eye to an inconvenient truth. Not that I
> arguing that  that's the case with 9/11... but I've generally found it
> more  profitable to question authority than to make the kind of
> assumption  that you are arguing.

Isn't that not a tautology at all, but one of the  basic assumptions
about peer-review in science?
What is the assumption? That one must always question authority or that  peer 
review has is based on consensus and not open to new data? It is certainly  
true that individuals who do peer reviews (like me) are people with expertise  
who therefore probably believe in the mainstream notions. Too often a novel 
idea  will be rejected because it is well novel but this is not universally 
and  will not be true for long. When a paper is rejected the author has a 
choice  of dropping the idea curse the stupid bastards who don't understand 
brilliance  when they see it or go back and get more evidence. Even a negative 
unfair  review and rejection (I have had a few of these) can be of value 
because in the  critique of the paper there are questions that can be 
New ideas are  tested in the world not in the minds of experts. New evidence is 
collected, new  experiments performed new predictions made and confirmed. The 
essence of peer  review has to do with assessment of evidence. Most reviewers 
try to be fair even  when they don't agree with the results of the paper. It 
is an imperfect process  but it does better than most other ways of deciding 

This argument is very similar to the argument used by  Creationists when
I start pointing out the tremendous geological evidence  against the
young-Earth hypothesis.


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