"Alberto Monteiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Klaus Stock suggested:
> > 
> > OTOH, on more modern computers, one might teach the child OOA and 
> > OOP with some Smalltalk system.
> > 
> From...
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smalltalk
>   Because of that the meaning of Smalltalk expressions using 
>   binary messages can be different from their "traditional" 
>   interpretation:
>   3 + 4 * 5
>   is evaluated as "(3 + 4) * 5", producing 35.
> No, I don't think Smalltalk is a good teaching device :-P

Yup, that's why I wrote that "algebra" works "object-oriented" 8as opposed
to "math-oriented"). ;-)

OTOH, consider the following Smalltalk code:
   x := 1 / 3.
   x := 3 * x.
   x inspect.

Common sense tells us that the result is 0.9999999 - but Smalltalk insists
on 1. Yes, "mathematical reality" is nowadays defined as "what the pocket
calculator says". This is one more of the points where electronic assistence
becomes a problem - kids don't really learn math with the assitance of
computers, they are just drilled like a assembly line worker or a circus
animal, just repeating the standard "number entry trick" they learned.

Anyway, I meant Smalltalk not for teaching mathmetics, for for the teaching
of object-oriented analysis and object-oriented programming (and, to some
extent, also for OOD). Instead of drawing balls on a screen, kids could
learn how to define a Ball class, how to add behavior and how to communicate
with Ball instances (myball := Ball new. myball color: red. myball moveto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] myball bounce.).

If someone could learn how to define reasonable and meaningful abstraction
of given problems, we would have to endure a lot less of that crap which is
programmed about everywhere. For example, Java, a language designed by
someone who had not the slightest clue about object-orientation. Oh yes,
there are things called classes and methods, but they are, in reality,
mostly just modules and procedures. With the result that software
development in Java takes as much time as it would in C++.

Best regards, Klaus
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