At 08:20 PM Friday 9/22/2006, Charlie Bell wrote:

On 23/09/2006, at 1:11 AM, Klaus Stock wrote:

OTOH, consider the following Smalltalk code:
   x := 1 / 3.
   x := 3 * x.
   x inspect.

Common sense tells us that the result is 0.9999999 - but Smalltalk
on 1.

Um, .9* *is* 1.

.9999999...  is equal to 1.  (infinite string of 9s)
.9999999  is not equal to 1.  (finite string of 9s)

As I said earlier, computers represent numbers with a finite number of digits, which causes round-off errors, which can grow when the result of one calculation is used in another calculation. Especially when you subtract two nearly equal numbers.

-- Ronn!  :)


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