> Andrew Crystall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...Global Dimming, caused by particulate and other
> emissions fom Human 
> industry has hidden much of the effect of global
> warming - to the 
> tune of 5C or even more. As Europe works to clean up
> its factories, 
> temperatures have noticeably edged upwards.
> The crisis is here, is now, and is far far worse
> than the predictions of 2000.

"...The effect was first spotted by Gerry Stanhill, an
English scientist working in Israel. Comparing Israeli
sunlight records from the 1950s with current ones,
Stanhill was astonished to find a large fall in solar
radiation. "There was a staggering 22% drop in the
sunlight, and that really amazed me," he says.

Intrigued, he searched out records from all around the
world, and found the same story almost everywhere he
looked, with sunlight falling by 10% over the USA,
nearly 30% in parts of the former Soviet Union, and
even by 16% in parts of the British Isles. Although
the effect varied greatly from place to place, overall
the decline amounted to 1-2% globally per decade
between the 1950s and the 1990s. 

Gerry called the phenomenon global dimming, but his
research, published in 2001, met with a sceptical
response from other scientists. It was only recently,
when his conclusions were confirmed by Australian
scientists using a completely different method to
estimate solar radiation, that climate scientists at
last woke up to the reality of global dimming..."

I'd heard about this from someone consulting at an
Arizona solar power plant (not sure if it was
experimental or fully operational) several years ago;
IIRC it was a 17% reduction they'd noticed, but I'm
not sure over what time-frame.  I'll see if I can get
more info from my source.

So *That's* Why The Bushies Didn't Want To Reduce
Particulates In Air Pollution! Maru      >:/

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