On 10/27/06, Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, we really need to look under the numbers quoted by an advocate.  If
veterans chose the VA system for maintenance, but chose other hospitals
high cost options, such as long stays in intensive care, then even a very
inefficient VA will, on paper, be more cost effective than the most
health care system.

If, if, if.  I see guys in long stays in intensive care at PAVA, one of the
brain and spinal cord centers near here.  It's not as if there are lots of
empty beds.  We're at war and well over ten thousand of our brothers and
sisters have been seriously injured.

You're not even arguing the other side of this issue.  If you're not
producing evidence of the VA's inefficiency and what's being done to make it
more efficient and thereby justify the funding cuts, you're just making
noise, not speaking to the point.

And there's still no justification for shifting VA revenue from taxpayers to
vets.  That has nothing to do with efficiency.

So, are you arguing that totally free health care should be given to
who served anywhere in the military?  That program would cost in the
hundreds of billions....and would certainly be a great inducement for
enlistment.  Would this be available only for those who served in war
or would someone who served two years in the 'States also qualify?

Oh, sure, that's what I said.  Yeah.  And a cookie and a balloon.  Maybe a
free train ride.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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