----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: Coalition Seeks Elimination of Incandescent Light Bulb

> Yes, an absolutely wonderful idea that disregards the fact that a 
> number
> of people, including a significant number of autistic people, have
> problems under fluorescents (even the compact ones) and LEDs.

That is quite interesting. (And I read the link you provided later)
I wonder what people who disliked or could not abide the 60Hz flicker 
of incandescents did when gas lights were being phased out?
In my line of work I run across people who don't like fluorescents 
much but not anyone who feels harmed by them and my wife who has 
worked with mentally ill people and mentally retarded people had not 
heard of this either.

I suspect the effect is similar to what epilectics experience when 
they are affected by strobing lights of visuals.

Considering that almost every square foot of every commercial space is 
lit by flourescents (Sheesh,,,almost every public place), people who 
are seriously affected must have great difficulty making their way 
through the modern world.

Have you noticed that indirect flourescent lighting mutes the 
irritating effects?
I ask because many of the new luminaires employ indirect lighting 
schemes and I find the light much easier to see under. (These 
luminaires reflect off a curved surface and that seems to smear the 
flickering effects.)

> If some exception is made for medical/neurological reasons, to where 
> you
> could still get the incandescents if you were unable to function 
> under
> any other sort of artificial lighting (and there are individuals 
> with
> this problem, who have tried everything and had to go back to the
> incandescents), then I could get behind it -- but without that
> exception, I cannot support it, no matter how much it will do for 
> the
> environment.

I think it depends on how many people are actually affected. If it is 
a very few, I suspect it will be difficult to get anyone to care. I 
note from reading the page you reference that most of these people 
don't really understand or are confused about which lights are which, 
and that is going to make it hard for them to present a complaint that 
will be viewed as coherent. I would suggest that a bit of self 
education about lighting and how the various varieties of lights work, 
with a few terms and definitions thrown in would go a long way towards 
avoiding maginalization.

It Hertz Maru


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