wonderful dream, max, but could you smoke a pipe on 
a zeppelin; would hydrogen or helium be used?  how 
would you avoid another hindenburg?

As I recall, wasn't the Hindenburg disaster due to the

flammable paint and a known design flaw which allowed 
the buildup of static electricity? I have little doubt

we could do better today.

i have no doubt we can, and have done MUCH better,
gwern.  i believe we will do even better and someday
large blimps will again be used for transport.

there are a number of theories of what caused the 
disaster including: structural failure, lightning,
spark, engine exhaust spark,  puncture, hydrogen fuel 
leak, incendiary paint, and sabotage, etc.  a german 
luger with one shell fired was found in the

the question i am asking is how to avoid another
with modern technology?

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