On 5/14/2007 4:51:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hey! I read _Battlefield Earth_ when I was a teen too, and enjoyed 
> it. I
> am no more a Scientologist because of it today than back then. The 
> author
> of the article was right: the book was pure pulpy space opera...

Well, I agree, and I too read BE when I was young. (and liked it)
But I think the point is that the book barely makes the threshold for 
memorability since it  is pretty well crap from beginning to end, and 
would be completely forgotten if not for the efforts of "those who 
purchase the same book over and over to achieve an end". You are aware 
of their system?

And so, how old is Mitt Romney anyway? Don't you think he is old 
enough to have grown a sense of taste?

And just where does the "crap threshold" lie?
I'd mark it above BE.

Opinions Maru


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