----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Horn, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 1:15 PM
Subject: RE: hot air polemics

>> On Behalf Of jon louis mann
>> the lurker who introduced me to the brinlist took a couple
>> years before he finally decided the neo-cons were an
>> aberration.
> The "neo-cons" you speak of might be an aberration but I think 
> Brin-L is
> poorer for their absence.  There is only so long you can be 
> interested
> in preaching to the choir.  I'm mostly a lurker myself.  I rarely, 
> if
> ever, have much to add to the discussion.  But I learn a lot from 
> what I
> do read.  I miss the exchange of radically different ideas.  I may 
> not
> have agreed with much (or anything) that some of them said but I 
> enjoyed
> listening to their arguments and getting insight on how their minds
> work.  Back in the run-up to Gulf War II, I had my mind largely 
> changed
> by the debates between Dan and others.

Just to open up the discussion a bit..........
I wouldn't describe Dan or Ronn! as conservatives exactly. From here 
they are both more centrists on the conservative side of the mid-point 
than staunch partisans of the right.
I say this because over the years I have seen both of them very 
reasonably criticize both extremes.
I also say this because we don't have any non-lurking staunch 
conservatives (raise your hand if I overlooked you please, I'd be glad 
to be wrong here) on the list at this time.
John is exactly correct and I too miss our conservatives. We had two 
very visible conservatives here for several years and their input was 
valued by me if by no others.
(Though I suspect there are many who wish similarly)
We are also missing some of the more liberal types and a couple of 
(dare I say) complete whack jobs who could make the list quite 
interesting at times.


After all these years I still miss Marvin. What a guy!

And has anyone heard news from Chad Cooper who had 3M-INIM as the 
license plate on his Cooper Mini? I've been meaning to ask about him 
for a good while.

Or Joshua Bell? I hear the name all the time on NPR.

The Fool?

Bob Z. sure has been quiet for a long time now.

I'm still waiting for my headless clone and for robots to take my job 
from me. When will random quantam effects begin to make me think?
As for IAAMOAC, we all fall down, we get back up. Life goes on as 



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