But the Democrats don't have to realize or 
acknowledge that.  All they have to do is keep 
reminding the electorate until 4 Nov 2008 that 
Bush and therefore by extension all Republicans 
are E—V—I—L incarnate and then since it is a 
two-party system in which only the candidates of 
those two parties have any chance of being 
elected their candidate wins automatically.
-- Ronn!  :)

that strategy may or may not work, but the republicans certainly did a
lot more than that to make sure their candidate "won" the last two
elections.  i certainly don't believe that all republicans are evil
simply because those tactics work for karl rove, who IS evil, along
with cheney and the rest of the neo-cons.   
democrats, on the other hand are largely craven cowards when it comes
to holding anyone accountable.  it took them all this time to get
libby, while letting cheney off the hook. they still haven't managed to
stop the war, let alone fire gonzales.  makes me wonder if maybe it is
true there is not that much difference between the two parties.
 -- jon!  :)

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