On Jun 25, 2007, at 5:23 PM, jon louis mann wrote:

> democrats, on the other hand are largely craven cowards when it comes
> to holding anyone accountable.  it took them all this time to get
> libby, while letting cheney off the hook. they still haven't managed
> to stop the war, let alone fire gonzales.  makes me wonder if maybe it
> is true there is not that much difference between the two parties.

There is less difference than some members of both parties would
like, that's for sure.

I suspect that a goodly number of socially-conservative Republicans
wish that there were more anti-<social_ill_of_your_choice> candidates.
I think that they would like to see their party take a stronger role
in shaping the moral character of our country by eliminating behaviors
that they see as immoral.

Similarly, I suspect that a number of liberal Democrats wish that
their candidates had been more clearly against the war from day one or
did more to bring the promises of America to more Americans. I think
that they would like to see their party take a stronger role in
shaping the moral character of our country by doing to others as we
would have others do to -- and for -- us.

But by moving towards either of those "more complete" representations
of their parties' values, they inevitably alienate voters at the other
end of the spectrum, without picking up a corresponding number of new
voters on their own end...

And so we are stuck with middle-of-the-road politicians and parties,
even as the arguments about politics seem to be getting more extreme.



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