On 15/10/2007, at 9:28 AM, David Hobby wrote:

> Gary Nunn wrote:
>> I'm REALLY struggling with this one. I don't understand what good 
>> could
>> possibly come from passing a resolution labeling this WW1 issue as
>> "genocide".

I tend to agree with you on a practical basis, and I have actually been 
thinking about this particular incident for a while now. However, then 
my idealistic streak kicks in and I ask why is it then a crime to be a 
holocaust denier? That's ancient history to most people now. What about 
the Japanese denials of war atrocities?

> Yes, I'd say that too.  But then look at the reaction from
> Turkey!  Most scholars call it genocide; maybe it's time the
> Turks admitted it.

I do like Alberto's suggestion about this!

> Of course, to be fair, there should be matching resolutions
> for EVERY country.  They could go through the alphabet, and
> do one a week..

Quite right as I started saying above. Where does one draw the line?

Regards, Ray.


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