On Dec 6, 2007, at 3:40 AM, Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote:

> Warren Ockrassa wrote:
>>> Most people is stupid _and_ most stupid people have an instinctive
>>> drive to mindlessly obey the orders of those that they believe are
>>> more intelligent - and this is what prevents extinction.
>> This is an interesting pair of claims and I'd be intrigued to know
>> what evidence you have to support either one of them,
> Evidence? None, except accumulated experience that comes with
> old age.

Which can be translated as curmdgeonhood. ;)

>> and more
>> particularly why you've arrived at the conclusion you have. What I
>> mean is that it almost looks like you've made a decision and are  
>> doing
>> a post hoc analysis to support it.
> Which decision?

That people are stupid. The argument you offered suggests you decided  
that people are stupid, and were doing an after-the-fact expansion on  
the point of view. I'm not saying you're necessarily wrong, but that  
the structure of what you wrote seemed to be justifying a conclusion  
rather than building a foundation for it.

>> It might help to define what you mean by "stupid", but what I'm
>> reading here could be inverted as this:
> Stupid = not able to think clearly. People who believe that
> a fairy may turn 2 + 2 into fish.

Oh, that's not stupid; it's surrealism! :D

More seriously, though, even the term "not able to think clearly"  
doesn't necessarily indicate much about a given person's mind or  
mental faculties. Many people are not able to think clearly when  
they're angry, for instance, which renders temporary stupidity; as  
Julia pointed out some *choose* not to think clearly, which tends to  
lead others into ... anger. Some people don't have the tools to think  
clearly but that's only because they lack the training; others are  
genuinely organically dysfunctional and blameless about their  
inability to think clearly.

>> And with groups in play, stupidity might be relative. Consider, for
>> instance, that a YEC would consider most biologists, paleontologists,
>> anthropologists, physicists and geologists as being incredibly stupid
>> for not seeing the obvious clarity of the point of view that aligns  
>> to
>> strict Biblical interpretation.
> Ah, the relativity of evaluation...

Yes, that's correct. Were you rebutting the validity of the above?

>> And that is relevant, because Isaac Newton was a young-earth
>> creationist and, when he wasn't inventing calculus in order to define
>> physics and optics, he was trying to find proofs of a literal
>> interpretation of Biblical teachings. So which was he? Stupid or
>> brilliant?
> At that time? He was extremely brilliant! Not being a literal  
> interpreter
> of the Bible had dangerous consequences those times, like having his
> brain physically separated from his heart by more than 2 meters.

During the Enlightenment? Not so much so. Inventing physics from  
nothing was a heck of an achievement, but the literalism he tried to  
justify was much more than simply a hobby or something he was doing to  
save face. He was genuinely committed to proving the literal truth of  
the Bible.

>> If you're thinking of "stupid" as meaning "inclined to mental
>> laziness", I'd probably agree, but my personal working definition of
>> "stupid" is (more or less) "totally incapable of comprehending
>> something". I don't believe the concepts are equivalent, and I don't
>> believe most people fit that definition of stupid.
> Maybe everybody is totally incapable of comprehending something -
> after all, human knowledge is much bigger than the size of human
> brains :-)

Yeah, you're probably right that everyone is probably guaranteed to be  
incapable of total comprehension of *something*; I was being a little  
narrower in intent, though, as in "Totally incapable of comprehending  
X," where X is something presumably simple to grasp, such as number  
lines or the dangers of lighting firecrackers and swallowing them.

Warren Ockrassa
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