Charlie  wrote:

> Of course I consider the possibility. In fact, given the size of the
> universe, I'd be surprised if there weren't some sort of
> transcendental or sublimed beings of mind or something.
> But that's a fair cry from saying that there's a being above and
> outside the universe that created the universe and meddles with our
> existence in a personal yet undetectable way, or indeed that any of
> Terra's religions are in anyway connected to such a being (whether
> supernatural or just really old).

So how would you define your atheism?

> Just 'cause one can imagine something, it doesn't mean it's actually
> true, or indeed mean it isn't. There's a little thing called data. If
> we get some that shows that there may actually be transcendental races
> of "Old Ones" or whatever, then fantastic. Until then, it's fantasy,
> sci-fi, or wishful thinking.

But then where would we be if we had _no_ imagination?


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