Hi all,

I am new to the list, but a long time fan of the ...... what do you call the 
Killer B's, now that you have inducted Vernor Vinge?

Has the list discussed what it will take to colonise the solar system in the 
past or is that too almost on topic?

It seems to me any colonisation of space will be doomed while it is 
dependent on any more than token amounts of equipment manufactured on earth, 
and that with current technology it would take hundreds or perhaps thousands 
of missions to Mars say, before there would be much chance of building the 
infrastructure to bootstrap an independent technological civilization.

Therefore, it seems to me that the colonisation of space something that is 
going to have to wait until the singularity starts to kick in.

What do you all think?


Wayne (I don't really  feel maru enough to put maru in my message, but I 
will anyway maru) Eddy 


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