On 26/02/2008, at 2:54 PM, Doug Pensinger wrote:
> So how would you define your atheism?

You phrase it like it's a belief. It's not. I spent a long time  
exploring my Christianity, and in the end found it empty. So I stopped  

I do not believe in gods, ghosts, telepathy, bigfoot, bunyips or the  
loch ness monster. I think it likely on balance of evidence that all  
gods are human constructs (why else do they all act so much like  

Maybe there's a creator or supreme being, but if there is it's truly  
beyond the petty super-humans of our myths. It makes no difference to  
me, anyway.
>> Just 'cause one can imagine something, it doesn't mean it's actually
>> true, or indeed mean it isn't. There's a little thing called data. If
>> we get some that shows that there may actually be transcendental  
>> races
>> of "Old Ones" or whatever, then fantastic. Until then, it's fantasy,
>> sci-fi, or wishful thinking.
> But then where would we be if we had _no_ imagination?

Sitting in caves. Or possibly trees.



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