If you go to the Powell's website, you'll find a blurb for a book which 
described in detail how the author's family lived on potatoes and "bland, 
processed (or packaged) products scavenged..." during one spell of poverty.

Enjoy them, mashed, fried, and mixed with onions.


> Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 09:32:14 -0500
> To: brin-l@mccmedia.com
> Subject: Re: Food Wars
> At 08:23 PM Wednesday 4/23/2008, jon louis mann wrote:
> >Doesn't take much disruption in the supply chain to cause havoc.
> >
> >Petrol in Melbourne is now $1.51 a litre (USD1.43 a litre, or about
> >$5.70 a gallon).
> >Charlie.
> >
> >here in the usa, people will manage; poverty in america is wealth in
> >africa.  it will be good for americans to learn to be thrifty.  they
> >did it during the depression, and can do it again.  we have always had
> >cheap gas, so it is time for us to tighten our belts and lose some of
> >that fat...
> >jon
> Of course, there have been many, particularly in SF but others also, 
> who not long ago talked about their vision of the future of the real 
> world where technology made everybody rich (or at least the 
> equivalent of middle-class or better by then contemporary US standards) . . .
> . . . ronn!  :)
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