Jon Louis Mann wrote:
>> That's the kind of hair-splitting sophistry I'd
>> expect from a supporter of baby-killing religion.
>> Unminced words Maru
>> William T Goodall
> lighten up, william; this was a tragedy. no one here is defending 
> what happened, so you don't need to attack any of your fellow 
> brinlisters as "supporters of baby-killing religion", just because 
> they are deluded enough to believe in god. i hope you are not one of 
> those people who consider all jews to be baby killers?  is it 
> possible that there some of the religious faithful actually try to 
> practice peace, love and brotherhood?  jon
William has a point here.

There are religions that fight baby-killers, by saying that
babies have a soul, and should not be aborted or be the subject
of euthanasia.

There are _other_ religions that promote baby-killers, by
devaluating baby-girls and making it ok to abort girl fetuses
or to abandon baby girls.

AFAIK, those that died in the tragedy subscribed to the second
type of religion.

Now, let's go through the whole spectrum of human life, and see
which religions or atheistic morality systems are more or less
protective of humanity. I predict that a few religions would
be more human than most atheistic morality systems.

Alberto Monteiro


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