On 4 Aug 2008, at 21:34, Alberto Monteiro wrote:

> Jon Louis Mann wrote:
>>> That's the kind of hair-splitting sophistry I'd
>>> expect from a supporter of baby-killing religion.
>>> Unminced words Maru
>>> William T Goodall
>> lighten up, william; this was a tragedy. no one here is defending
>> what happened, so you don't need to attack any of your fellow
>> brinlisters as "supporters of baby-killing religion", just because
>> they are deluded enough to believe in god. i hope you are not one of
>> those people who consider all jews to be baby killers?  is it
>> possible that there some of the religious faithful actually try to
>> practice peace, love and brotherhood?  jon
> William has a point here.
> There are religions that fight baby-killers, by saying that
> babies have a soul, and should not be aborted or be the subject
> of euthanasia.
> There are _other_ religions that promote baby-killers, by
> devaluating baby-girls and making it ok to abort girl fetuses
> or to abandon baby girls.
> AFAIK, those that died in the tragedy subscribed to the second
> type of religion.
> Now, let's go through the whole spectrum of human life, and see
> which religions or atheistic morality systems are more or less
> protective of humanity. I predict that a few religions would
> be more human than most atheistic morality systems.

A subtle flaw in your reasoning is that you have to first pick a  
morality system by which to judge the others.

Relativism Maru
William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit  
atrocities." ~Voltaire.


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