Nick Arnett wrote:
> Your anti-religious postings are trivial.  That's the problem.  Science
> versus religion is a perfectly reasonable topic here.  That's not what
> you're offering us.
I think I am seeing both sides to some degree. I have unsubbed from 
other lists because of people who couldn't stop beating a dead horse, 
and I can see that it might have that effect on some folks here. But I 
also tend to think that unless there is a wide-spread reaction I would 
leave the other guy alone. As a middle ground (perhaps) folks can always 
use a bozo-filter to get rid of his posts.


Kevin B. O'Brien         TANSTAAFL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Linux User #333216

"Democracy means government by the uneducated, while aristocracy means 
government by the badly educated." -- G.K. Chesterton

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