William T Goodall wrote:
> On 19 Oct 2008, at 12:04, Jon Louis Mann wrote:
>>> It's been very quiet here since the thought police manifesto.
> On 20 Aug 2008, at 15:12, Nick Arnett wrote:
>> I don't think we've ever moderated anybody for frequent off-topic
>> posting, but I'm growing increasingly concerned that many of your
>> postings are a distraction and offensive to some who might otherwise
> On 20 Aug 2008, at 16:10, William T Goodall wrote:
>> I'm growing increasingly concerned that you are trying to use your
>> position on the list to intimidate and silence those with whom you do
>> not agree and that this behaviour could be offensive to some who might
>> otherwise participate.
> We can all observe that posts on this list have subsequently declined  
> precipitously.
>> Seems I was right.


Definitely.  Because there aren't any other
possible reasons for the volume of posts to
fluctuate.  An excellent experimental design,
there!  : )

After observing many hippies with dogs, I
conclude that drug use makes one like puppies.


Because it lets you see Dog, Maru

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