I haven't weighed in on this yet because I'm sort of a newbie on this  
list, and there's probably history to this that I'm missing, but I'm  
very familiar with lists where I'm not especailly interested in  (or  
necessarily agree with) every post I get on every list.  Some are  
offensive, some are annoying, some I'm just not interested in, and I  
tune them out.  I'm used to doing that, it's no big deal.

As far as this particular subject goes, I'm probably at least as anti- 
religion as William, as far as my perception and opinions are  
concerned.  My opposition to religion is probably much more specific,  
as I've learned a great deal about the more socially damaging elements  
of organized religion and can name names and make pretty accurate  
guesses as to where the bodies are buried, but I tend to find anti- 
religious posts comforting rather than offensive, because they tell me  
someone is actually paying attention and noticing that there's  
something rotten in Denmark, so to speak.  Long posts that are mostly  
quoted content from other sources, maybe, maybe not, that's more of a  
technical rule, but the overall tone not only doesn't bother me, I  
welcome it.

I find the meta-discussion considerably more distracting than the  
discussion itself, because the meta-discussion brings the question  
into play of silencing a contributor to the discussion, and that  
*always* involves some question of whether that person is being  
silenced for purely procedural reasons, which may be legitimate in  
some cases, or if the person is being silenced because the owner or  
moderator *personally* finds the subject matter of the discussion  
offensive, which is a more serious concern for me because it begins to  
hint at censorship, which I personally find far more offensive than  
specific points of view on organized religion.  William's objection  
seems to be that the decision to moderate him is coming at a point in  
the discussion that suggests the decision to moderate him is  
influenced by a disagreement with the subject matter as much as any  
technical or procedural reasons, if I understand his comments  
correctly.  If true, that's a very serious (and IMHO legitimate)  
concern that should be addressed by this meta-discussion if it  

I'm only an ordinary list participant, but I've seen this sort of meta- 
discussion bog down or even kill email discussion lists. Can we leave  
well enough alone, or take the more detailed discussion of technical/ 
procedural issues offlist?  And as far as on-list meta-discussion is  
concerned, can we hear some reassurance that *legitimate* comments and  
posts against organized religion that fit within the spirit of the  
list are acceptable?  If it's not OK on this list to be against  
religion, I have some issues with that, especially if it's a cause for  
being moderated.

On Aug 20, 2008, at 9:12 AM, Nick Arnett wrote:

> This is not a discussion list about religion.  I don't think we've  
> ever
> moderated anybody for frequent off-topic posting, but I'm growing
> increasingly concerned that many of your postings are a distraction  
> and
> offensive to some who might otherwise participate.  Others,including  
> me, are
> just plain bored with it, since you haven't written anything new on  
> the
> topic for a long, long time.

"I'm probably not a typical Texan in that I don't hunt. I fish, but I  
don't hunt. And it has nothing to do with how I think it might somehow  
be more holy to eat meat that's been bludgeoned to death by someone  
else, that's not it. It's really early in the morning, it's really  
cold outside, and...I don't wanna **** go." -- Ron White


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