On 21 Aug 2008, at 18:13, Max Battcher wrote:

> William T Goodall wrote:
>> There are no 'technical or procedural' reasons for objecting to my
>> posts on the matter of religion: it's an attempt by some to silence
>> the expression of views they don't like plain and simple.
> Are you kidding?  This is entirely about technical/procedural
> objections!  It's rude and against many internet taboos to re-post a
> referenced article in it's entirety to a mailing list, because it  
> wastes
> everyone's time and bandwidth.  If someone is interested in an article
> they can follow the link you send.

Actually on this list, because historically many members objected to  
content from sites that required registration/cookies and other kinds  
of tracking, quoting the relevant parts of the linked article was  
considered polite rather than taboo and I am  merely adhering to this  
community's standards on that.


> Ouch, that may sound more hostile than intended, so let me bottom line
> it: I'm probably as anti-religious as you and I would say the same  
> thing
> for any other poster that posted similarly useless, rude posts that
> don't fit the mailing list medium and would be better in some other
> environment such as the aforementioned "social bookmarking" sites.

Several other posters have posted links, many with substantial quotes,  
on the list recently so they certainly seem to fit on this mailing  
list despite what you think.

Convention Maru

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

I think a case can be made that faith is one of the world's great  
evils, comparable to the smallpox virus but harder to eradicate. -  
Richard Dawkins


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