On Aug 21, 2008, at 10:57 AM, Nick Arnett wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 8:19 AM, Bruce Bostwick
>  William's objection
>> seems to be that the decision to moderate him
> There has been no such decision.  We remain extremely reluctant to  
> moderate
> anybody, for the very reasons you cite.
> There is discussion, which is necessary for those member of the list  
> who
> wish to participate in its management to participate.
>>  And as far as on-list meta-discussion is
> concerned, can we hear some reassurance that *legitimate* comments and
>> posts against organized religion that fit within the spirit of the
>> list are acceptable?  If it's not OK on this list to be against
>> religion, I have some issues with that, especially if it's a cause  
>> for
>> being moderated.
> Such opinions would never be a reason for moderation as long I have  
> a say in
> it.
> Offensiveness is not really the issue and I shouldn't have included  
> it in my
> concerns.  My real concern is the non-originality of the postings,  
> using up
> peoples' attention on posts that add little or nothing to our  
> understanding
> of the issue or appreciation of William's position on the subject  
> (which in
> my mind needs no further clarification, unless it changes).
> It seems to me like "persuasion" with a blunt object, which does, at  
> some
> point, violate our guidelines.  I have never and will never decide  
> that on
> my own, except in crystal-clear cases of spamming and such.  This is  
> far,
> far from crystal clear and hence we're talking about it.
> My hope is that some consensus will emerge and the community will have
> managed the issue on its own.  Judging by the responses, it seems  
> that the
> majority finds the postings as tiresome as I do.  There are plenty of
> non-trivial arguments against religion.  Let's see some of those  
> sharp tools
> instead of the relentless pounding of a dull one, I say.
> Nick

That's enough for me.  :)

"On this one we'd like to think of ourselves collectively as 'da men',  
sir." -- Toby Ziegler


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