On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 9:05 PM, William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On 24 Aug 2008, at 21:19, Dan M wrote:
> > If the land produces enough food for the people in a country to live
> > on,
> > then the problem of actual starvation goes down.  Zimbabwe is a good
> > example
> > of this: it was a food exporter before governments took the farms
> > away from
> > experienced farmers and handed it to cronies who had no idea of how to
> > farm....causing the risk of mass starvation.
> >
> > Now, I know that the experienced farmers are white, and the cronies
> > are
> > black, and whites owning most of the land in a majority black
> > country is a
> > problem.  But my daughter Neli and I came up with a workable plan to
> > correct
> > this gradually in just a few minutes.
> >
> > All of the white owned farms have black workers.  One could provide
> > tax
> > incentives/disincentives for the farmers to form corporations in
> > which their
> > workers earn shares in the corporation with work/time.  I've seen
> > that in
> > small US companies, and it's worked well.  No one would be forced to
> > do
> > anything at gunpoint, experienced people would always run the farms
> > as well
> > as possible, with profits for all when the farms are most productive.
> Why should the white farmers who were born in Zimbabwe from several
> generations of people born in Zimbabwe have their property and
> livelihoods confiscated either directly or through taxation just
> because they are white? That's racism isn't it?
> Saucy Maru
> --
> William T Goodall
> Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
> Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/
> "Two years from now, spam will be solved." - Bill Gates, 2004
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Maybe. Might also be an attempt to redistribute wealth. It's clear to me
that whatever else
is going on, those currently on top are determined to exact some payback
from those who
once ran that country.

the same folks you meet on the way up, are the same you meet on the way down


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