At 08:56 AM Monday 8/25/2008, William T Goodall wrote:

>On 25 Aug 2008, at 14:18, John Garcia wrote:
> > It's clear to me that whatever else is going on, those
> > currently on top are determined to exact some payback
> > from those who once ran that country.
>And that's never worked well either.

No, but it seems to be typical behavior in politics that whenever the 
current "outs" get into power one of their first priorities is to 
punish the former "ins" who are now the new "outs."  (Regardless of 
which country (state, county, city . . . ) we are talking about or 
what the various factions call themselves or how much they say they 
want to work with the opposition for the good of the country (state, 
county, city . . . ) . . .)

Hardly Civilized Behavior Maru.

. . . ronn!  :)


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