Dan M wrote:
> One of the main causes of starvation is that people with guns stop NGOs from
> distributing food at gunpoint.  Some allow it through, after substantial
> bribes are paid, some don't.  My daughter has worked in this area for about
> 4-5 years now, and has some strong opinions.

I'm going to disagree a little bit here. While food aid can have some
immediate positive benefits compared to doing nothing, it can also
create a long-term problem for the recipient countries. Food aid as it
is currently structured is primarily a way of benefiting farmers in the
donor countries. Governments buy up food, putting money in the pockets
of farmers, and then dump it in a foreign country where it can have no
impact on prices in the donor country (in fact, the government purchases
in themselves raise prices in donor countries). The impact in the
recipient countries is to knock the bottom out of the market and drive
local farmers out of business. That creates a perpetual cycle of
starvation and dependency, and is one reason why the same places have to
keep coming back for more aid year after year.

If our true objective was to help starving countries to achieve food
self-sufficiency (and I am pretty sure that is *not* the main objective
of our politicians), that can be done fairly simply by sending them
money. With money, they can purchase food. This in turn raises food
prices, and creates incentives for local farmers to produce for the
market since they have ready buyers. And then you could reduce the
tariff barriers you mentioned earlier, which would also have a strong
positive impact on those economies. I doubt that reducing the tariff
barriers before you have a strong local economy will do that much to end
dependency in those countries.


Kevin B. O'Brien         TANSTAAFL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Linux User #333216
"The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be 
pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues." -- 
Elizabeth Taylor

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