
We talk a lot -- some might say too much -- about the pernicious
effects of blind religious belief, especially as it prevents rational
thought about science. You might say that Science is sacred around
here. But secular belief can be just as blinding & just as stupid &

Consider the caller "Charlane" on NPR's Science Friday just now. The
topic was the (now thoroughly-debunked) concerns about links between
vaccines & autusm and other vaccine scares. She was adamant about not
having her baby immunized on the CDC-recommended schedule because,
among other things, she didn't think that it was safe to give a baby
six immunological agents at once. Nothing the guest scientist said
could convince her.

She demanded to know how many tests had been conducted specifically
testing the interactions of multiple vaccines at once. The guest
thought about it & replied, "In the high hundreds to low thousands."
Before he even finished his answer, she talked over him, saying, "I
don't believe it."

My mind boggled. Why ask the damn question, then?


Frames trump facts Maru

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