On Aug 30, 2008, at 12:30 PM, Jon Louis Mann wrote:

>> The reason to give shots early is that's when the
>> immune system is
>> doing its major formational work, "learning" as
>> much as it can as fast
>> as it can. Vaccination is more likely to be effective for
>> different
>> diseases at different times.
>> Charlie.
> as long as they are not all given at the same time, when there is a  
> possibility of an interaction that could cause autism...

I think this is what "Charlane" was trying to get at with her  
question: According to the guest, there have been many 100s or even  
1000s of concomitant vaccine studies intended to determine whether the  
immunological agents affect each other's effectiveness, and (one  
hopes, though I have no data) have no other effects that arise from  
their combination.

Many people have a desperate need to establish causation when their  
child is suddenly seriously ill. When my son Kevin was diagnosed and  
later died from brain cancer, we actually had family members try to  
pin it on us for letting him play with battery operated toys and  
computers. Un-freaking-believable nonsense came out of people who, if  
they were even slightly sane, would have been comforting us instead of  
blaming us.

We are wired to form conclusions: otherwise, the world would make no  
sense to us at all. Most of the time, we either get it partly right,  
and further experience confirms or contradicts our conclusion with  
little consequence. But when your kid is suddenly and unexpectedly  
seriously ill, this mechanism can go horribly awry. Are you to have a  
bunch of other kids and immunize some and not others, in order to  
collect more experience? Of course not. So these poor parents, and  
people who know them or are five or six degrees of separation away  
from them but nonetheless hear about them, spread the virus of  
misinformation that hundreds or thousands of scientific studies cannot  

Pray for wisdom Maru



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