> Consider the caller "Charlane" on NPR's
> Science Friday just now. The
> topic was the (now thoroughly-debunked) concerns about
> links between
> vaccines & autusm and other vaccine scares. She was
> adamant about not
> having her baby immunized on the CDC-recommended schedule
> because,
> among other things, she didn't think that it was safe
> to give a baby
> six immunological agents at once. Nothing the guest
> scientist said
> could convince her.
> She demanded to know how many tests had been conducted
> specifically
> testing the interactions of multiple vaccines at once. The
> guest
> thought about it & replied, "In the high hundreds
> to low thousands."
> Before he even finished his answer, she talked over him,
> saying, "I
> don't believe it."
> My mind boggled. Why ask the damn question, then? 
> Dave

when it was time for my son to be immunized several years ago, i opted to wait 
till he was older, and then space them out; figuring better to be safe than 
sorry.  i suppose that is why some people choose to believe in gawd.


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