Ronn!  wrote:

The "4% inflation is unacceptable" statement was the Democrat's
ridicule of Ford's "Whip Inflation Now!" campaign and it's "WIN"
buttons.  I'm sure they picked the worst figure they could find, just
as whoever from the other side who came up with the "Carter said 4%
inflation was unacceptable, then he got into office and ran it up to
20%" statement back then probably picked the worst spot figure they
could find or fudge.

Your statement had no caveats or explanations nor did it have an attribution
and its implication was that inflation jumped from 4 to 20% during the
Carter Administration.  I'm sorry if I'm being didactic, but you're a
respected member of the list and people listen to what you have to say.

>  (as that part of the recent increase due to increased
> demand for gasoline in China and the loss of refinery capacity due to
> Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were not under the direct control of the
> current President, although there seem to be some folks willing to
> count those among his multitude of sins :P).  That's why we pay him
> the big bucks . . .

So who can we blame for poor leadership and the complete lack of a
comprehensive energy policy?


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