John Williams wrote:
> William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> They'd still be better than what we have.
> I'd like more politicians like Mike Pence:
> "I must tell you, there are those in the public debate who have said
> that we must act now. The last time I heard that, I was on a used-car
> lot," said Rep. Mike Pence, R-Indiana. "The truth is, every time
> somebody tells you that you've got to do the deal right now, it usually
> means they're going to get the better part of the deal."
One of the rules that has served me well in life is that when someone 
says you have to act now on a deal, it is time to walk away and keep 
your hand on your wallet. It has never let me down.

When you learn that this plan is something they have been working on for 
months now, you know they were just waiting for an opportunity to spring 
this on people and ram it through before anyone could read the fine 
print. If you want to see how this process works in great detail read 
the book of the year, "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein.


Kevin B. O'Brien         TANSTAAFL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Linux User #333216

"Wagner's music is better than it sounds." -- Mark Twain

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