I had this thought before lunch and thought I'd share it with the list.
  I googled it and found that I'm not the first to think of it so I
can't claim it as my own.

I'd been thinking about Powell's endorsement of Obama this weekend and
how much impressed with him I've always been, even after his failure to
live up to his own values by stumping the Iraq war to the U.N. for
President G.W. Bush.  His endorsement of Barack Obama this past weekend
may be the most powerful 7 minutes of television I’ve watched in the
past 10 years and his indictment of the current Republican party, the
Bush administration, and Sen. John McCain’s campaign and
Vice-Presidential choices is exactly on target.

I think Barack Obama shoud make Colin Powell his Secretary of Defense.
Who better to place over the abused and war-worn military of the United
States.  Who better to shepherd it back into the fine tradition of the
American military and restore its honor and morale.  Powell would defend
his men and women against ill-use and champion their cause with
President Obama and the Congress.  And what a blow it would lay to the
charges that Obama doesn’t know how to cross the aisle for bi-partisan

Choosing Colin Powell for his Secretary of State would be a courageous,
right, action by President Obama.

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