On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 4:21 PM, Lance A. Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Jon Louis Mann wrote:
> > I would prefer Wesley Clark as Sec'y of Defense and give Colin Powell a
> chance to redeem himself as Sec'y of State.
> Clark would be a good choice for Sec. of Defense as well.  I'm not sure
> I'd put Powell back in at State.  Seems like asking a bit much of the
> world's nations to accept him in that role again after his last go-round
> at it.
> --[Lance]
> --
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I actually like the job that Gates has been doing. He's held senior brass
accountable, forcing resignations, and placing emphasis on supporting the
grunts on the line. He's the best appointment Bush has made in 8 years.


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