On Oct 20, 2008, at 3:59 PM, Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote:

> Julia Thompson wrote:
>> It's like the people running around accusing Obama of being a  
>> Muslim --
>> it's inaccurate, but they may have been lied to by people who want  
>> to turn
>> opinion against Obama, and not be intending to lie.
> That would be the perfect conspiracy theory, following the
> Bush-is-a-Manchurian-candidate conspiracy. If Bush is at sold
> of some foreign sheiks, what would be best for them then to
> blunder everything in the final weeks, weaken the Republican
> candidate to death, and place a Muslim at the POTUS? :-)
> Alberto Monteiro

You know what?

a) Barack Obama is *not* a Muslim, and I have a fairly high degree of  
confidence in that statement.

b) If he were, I'd be even *more* likely to vote for him.

I have to ask -- would it be so unimaginably bad to have a Muslim  
holding public office in this country?  The most disturbing part of  
the rumor to me isn't the suggestion that he might be, it's the  
implication behind the rumor that that would be a reason to disqualify  
him from office.  The former is merely slander; the latter is un- 
American in the most bigoted way.  (The fact that it's historically  
consistent is no excuse as far as I'm concerned.)

"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance." -- Thomas Jefferson


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