On Oct 28, 2008, at 6:30 PM, Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
> At 11:22 AM Tuesday 10/28/2008, Bruce Bostwick wrote:
>> On Oct 27, 2008, at 9:24 AM, John Williams wrote:
>>>> I don't mind paying taxes
>>> Do you voluntarily contribute more than is required by law?
>> Was going to reply to this earlier but was interrupted by some
>> technical difficulties ..
>> I probably would, actually, if I had more margin between my income  
>> and
>> expenses (currently couldn't afford to even if I wanted to),
> That is the situation in which many of the complainers find
> themselves, and after years of trying unsuccessfully to find a way to
> increase that margin by getting income to increase faster than
> expenses quite reasonably object when government shrinks the margin
> by increasing their expenses, just as they object when others do the
> same by jacking up prices on things they need.

Or when still others take irresponsible risks with key components of  
the financial system that, when it works, tends to keep those prices  
stable, and when it breaks down, tends to make those prices much more  
difficult to forecast as well as makes the employment on which the  
income depends somewhat uncertain.  I'd add that.  :)

It is definitely a losing battle most days getting the income to  
increase faster than is required for basic survival, financially.   
Puts a sort of cruel sting in the advice of people from the wealthy  
side of things to "just save more money" ..


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