At 06:07 AM Thursday 11/20/2008, Gary Nunn wrote:
> > Thank you for reminding me of my desire to bitch-slap people
> > who claim to be Christians and are a lot more hung up on
> > Leviticus than Matthew chapters 5-7.  :)  (Problem is,
> > bitch-slapping is more in keeping with Leviticus than that
> > section of Matthew.)
> >       Julia
>Your looking at that the wrong way. If you bitch-slap those purported
>Christians that REALLY need lessons in humility, then you are *giving them
>the opportunity* to practice Matthew 5:39: "But whoever slaps you on your
>right cheek, turn the other to him also."
>Your doing them a favor ;-)
>~ Who suspects the ORIGINAL version actually said: "whoever bitch-slaps you
>on your right cheek"

Which might suggest to some this entry from this morning's PunditKitchen:


. . . ronn!  :)


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