>Why doesn't the wind turbine count as a source of energy?  

It absolutely does.  My question concerned how much energy per liter
compared to other unconventional methods. 

>It's pretty obvious that when he said "none" he meant no _external_ source
of energy.

Well, since he was responding to my post, I stayed focused on the question
of how much energy it took per liter of water produced...and wanted the
reader to draw exactly the conclusion you did.....the wind turbine was a
source of energy. 

But, as I said elsewhere, in a remote location, even otherwise inefficient
sources of necessities become relatively efficient compared to having stuff
hauled zillions of kilometers.  I neglected that point because I saw it,
thought it reasonable and clear, and had nothing to add.  But, I didn't know
off the top of my head the relative energy efficiency vs. other techniques
of getting fresh water from unconventional sources.  So, I asked.

Dan M. 


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