On Jul 19, 2009, at 2:40 AM, John Williams wrote:

On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Nick Arnett<nick.arn...@gmail.com> wrote:
Don't you know that government interference in markets is bad,
but corporate interference in markets is good?

Corporations do not have the power to compel people at gunpoint to do
as they say. Government lawmakers do. That is a huge difference.

Right. I'm always getting a gun pointed at my head when I go to the damn
doctor. I am SO tired of those bastards and their guns when I go in for a
check-up, aren't you? Oh, wait… That never, ever happens. It's a straw
man. Another one.

The Republicans run those ads for millions and millions of dollars
asking "do you want a government bureaucrat deciding your health care"
for a reason: because they don't want people thinking "yes, I do,
because the alternative is a CORPORATE bureaucrat that I cannot under
any circumstances remove from office."

We live in an imperfect representative democracy, but at least it /is/
a representative democracy, where change -- however glacial -- is
possible. Do you really think that you have a snowball's chance in hell
of getting the care you need from some corporate bean counter who is
REQUIRED by LAW to maximize profits, and not required to take care of
your health?



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