Today's DVD's

1- are not universal if you record on "minus" or "plus" mode and many units 
throw fits, even then

2- fast-forward and reverse are a mess.  They are twichy and over and 
undershoot like mad.

3- menu navigation is often torment

4-  You cannot copy incrementally, onto the end of a segment of DVD that you 
already recorded some before.

5-  Very few computers let you use a DVD as an optical mass storage device, 
even though it is the perfect medium for making your monthly hard-disk backup.  
They insist it can only be used AS a DVD-video storage device.

6 -  Even with new hacks and machines, there is still collusion between 
manufacturers and studios, meant to diminish and hinder copying of anything you 
legitimately own.  Yes, there are reasons for this.  But clearly the market is 
not functioning, or some company would simply be selling units that do what the 
customer wants.

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