On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Bruce
Bostwick<lihan161...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> I'd go somewhat farther and say that the Wall Street culture
> institutionalizes and rationalizes greed as a virtue, if not a sacrament.
>  ("Greed is good.  Greed works.")

One of the differences between a politician and a market participant
is that the market participant is at least honest about their
self-serving behavior. The politician pretends to be acting
altruistically while still behaving in a self-serving manner.

Another difference is that in a free market, a business can only get
your money if you decide to give it to them. But the politicians take
your money by force and THEN give it to the businesses.

The problem is not greed in free markets, it is greed in politics.


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