John Williams wrote:
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 8:29 AM, Chris Frandsen<> wrote:
 Most of the politicians that I have
personally met are not 'self-serving" , rather they are making a great
effort to serve.

And they are good at tricking the naive into thinking that they are
behaving altruistically...

What a sad, cynical worldview you live in.

...while they take their money and give it to those who are best at
bribing them.

Hey, isn't that market forces at work? Aren't the same people that are bribing politicians the very same "free market" enterprises that you laud in other sentences?

How is the political "pork" market all that different, or that far removed, from any other "free" market? More importantly: how is it that the politicians taking bribes are worse than the corporations giving them?

I think there is just as good an argument as yours that corrupt politicians are merely victims of a corrupt market.

The truth of the matter is probably even simpler: both sides have corruption. There is corruption on both sides of the equation: corruption in the free markets and corruption in politics. To laud one sort of corruption and simultaneously despise another seems to me a hypocritical thing to do.

--Max Battcher--


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