On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Nick Arnett<nick.arn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As for Bernanke, he's in a position where his predictions can be somewhat
> self-fulfilling.

I don't know about that, but the fact is, most of his predictions were
wrong. So far, he has missed all the important calls. But people seem
to have short memories. As I said, if you predict a recovery every
year, eventually you will be right. What I did not mention, is that
many people will only remember the last prediction, especially if that
is the one that Bernanke uses to proclaim his triumph in a speech.

>  What I think you are really arguing is that correlation
> clearly doesn't imply causation when it comes to economic predictions by
> influential people.

No, not really. I am arguing what I wrote, which is that economists
are no better than the average person at predicting the future of a
large economy.


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